Asia Travel Information for visitors to Asia countries and cities.
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Country Info for:
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- China
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Japan
- South Korea
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- New Zealand
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- United Arab Emirates
- Vietnam

Festivals in Cambodia (with description)

Flag of Cambodia
Festival Name Description
Bon Om Tuk or the Water Festival: Begins in late October or early November.
Pirogue (long canoe) races are held in Phnom Penh at this time.
Chaul Chnam: Held in mid-April
A three-day celebration of the Khmer New Year.
Lunar New Year: Falls in late January or early February.
Celebrated by Ethnic Chinese and Vietnamese.
