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Doing Business in Hong Kong (with description)

Flag of Hong Kong
Greetings: Greetings in English or Chinese traditions are appropriate. You can shake hands or bow. When bowing to a superior, you should bow more deeply and allow the other party to rise first.
One must always greet the most senior or elderly person in a group first.
Introductions: During introductions, one must use titles and surnames. Chinese surnames come first, followed by one or two personal names, i.e. Tan Sher Leen would be Ms. Tan.
Appointments: Punctuality is considered a virtue. Please make every effort to be on time.
Traditionally, no one is exempt from apologising profusely if they are late, even if it was not their fault.
Negotiations: All materials and ideas must be presented in a modest and patient manner.
Do not direct all your information to the senior negotiator, as their presence may simply be ceremonial. It is often the job of the junior staff to relay the material to the group leader.
Entertaining: Banquets are a large part of Hong Kong's Chinese culture. Celebrating a productive business meeting or a new alliance usually occurs over a ten course banquet dinner.
