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Places of Interests Indonesia

Flag of Indonesia
Name: Way Kambas National Park
Location: Bandar Lampung
Operating Hours:
Description: Way Kambas National Park The park is an international project partially funded by the World Wildlife Fund. Also hosts a training center for elephants, where visitors may ride the elephants.
Name: Jaya Ancol Dreamland
Location: Ancol, Jakarta
Operating Hours: Main gate open 24 hours.
Description: Jaya Ancol Dreamland Jakarta's largest and most popular recreation park. 343 acres of former marshland transformed into a resort hotel, art market and gallery, restaurant, hawker stalls, and other entertainment.
Name: Lake Toba
Location: Parapat, North Sumatra
Operating Hours:
Description: Lake Toba This lake, the largest inland body of water in Southeast Asia, was formed by a massive prehistoric volcanic explosion. The lake is surrounded by several villages rich in Batak culture.
Name: Borobudur
Location: Jogyakarta
Operating Hours:
Description: Borobudur Hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, Borobudur rises to seven terraces, each smaller than the one below it.
Name: Jalan Surabaya
Location: Jakarta
Operating Hours:
Description: Flea market with stalls offering a wide variety of goods, including antiquities and handicrafts. Bargaining is necessary.
